Link for the approved Syllabi of Semester-IV, V, and VI of the Department of Commerce under the Faculty of Commerce & Business based on Under Graduate Curriculum- Framework 2022
Link for the approved Syllabi of Semester-III of the Department of Commerce under the Faculty of
Commerce & Business based on Under Graduate Curriculum
Framework -2022 as per E.C Resolution No. 60/ (60-1-2) dated 03.02.2023. (
Link for the appoved Syllabi of Semester-II of the Department of Commerce under Faculty of
Commerce & Business based on Under Graduate Curriculum
Framework -2022 as per E.C Resolution No. 38-1/ (38-1-6) dated 08.12.2022. (
Draft - B. Com. (Hons.) - UGCF - 2022
Draft- B. Com. - UGCF BASED ON NEP- 2020
Draft - BA Commerce Based Semester 1
Draft - BA Commerce Based Courses- UGCF- 2022 BASED ON NEP- 2020
Notice - Stakeholder Feedback 2
Cover Letter, Sub-Committees and Courses
Undergraduate Curriculam Framework (UGCF) based on National Education Policy (NEP) - 2020
LOCF 2021- B.Com. (Hons.)
LOCF 2021 - B.Com.